Wednesday, January 7, 2009

No litters for me.

It just sickens me sometimes to see what humans can and will do to animals. Hell people for that matter. I know, I know, I have talked about this before but damnit I still feel that way. I wish I had a place for all abused animals and children and just keep em all. The sad part is I don't, so in my life I have to choose my battle carefully. If I pick one dog, horse, rat, child, or any other living creature to adopt today, will there be another tomorrow that picks at my heart strings just as bad.

The sad reality is yes, and I have to bite my lip and decide that I can't save them all. Thats the worst part about it, I can't. I can give my all and my best to what I have now, waiting for the time when I can devote myself to the next one. Patience has never been a strong point of mine and learning it has been so hard. I'm an impulse person to some extent and sad stories do it for me every single time.

A blog I read every single day is if you have never read it go, go now. If you are an avid horse fan I'm not sure how you haven't read it. She has totally taught me alot in horse ownership and self responsibility. Not so much in care, but in how to own. If that makes any sense.

Step one: don't breed unless you have a quality animal to breed. If you can sell your animal that is a standing stud/female for double or triple of what you can sell your new babies for then go for the breeding.

Step two: make sure that whatever you are using to breed or breed two has something behind the fancy name. Show quality, you have and are using an animal that has every single confirmation that is required of said breed and is sane.

Step three: evaluate your surroundings. So you have a great animal but you live in just squander, clean it up. I don't want to go buy a full bred dog, a expensive horse, or even a car if the kennels aren't clean, house isn't clean, fences aren't kept, trash everywhere, or ext.

Step four: even if you have the animal that is just a prize winner, do you have the money for another? If not stop there. Just geld/fix your animal. If you can't sell your new stock you are the responsible party for it, nobody else. Don't let it starve in the back pasture/room whatever.

Step five: interview your possible prospects and follow up! Follow up is the single most important thing! People are idiots and will and have sell off the animal you worked so hard to produce for a quick buck!

So now you know. I will never be a breeder, I don't want that responsibility. My dogs are not full bred because I don't care and their just couch pets. When we go to the farm I will have full breds because they will have a job, but you better believe their asses will be fixed. I have no time or patience for a litter of anything, even barn cats. They'll be fixed as well. Even if they run off, at least I know I'm not adding to an overpopulated situation.

When I get horses, if its a stallion, his balls are gone. I don't really care how great he is, someone sold him with the intentions of not breeding him, well neither am I. He will be a gelding. Mares? Not too much I can do there, but if I have geldings and mares at least I know I will have no suprise foals/colts.

It really irks me to no end when I see friends with animals with their bits intact. They have no intentions of breeding, the animal isn't of quality, they just know its a "purebred" and that maybe one day they will. Eff that shit. I wish I could just punch them sometimes but over time I have learned that it is a battle not worth picking because I won't win up against them.


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