This entry will not be about my pets.
This post will be about life in general.
No really, hopefully it will be enlighting to see exactly what is going on in the real world life of me outside of my crazy animal friends.
Joe and I have had many money discussions and we alwasy end up with the same ideas. No debt. Not even our house. I have currently, since we got married, paid off: cc's - 7500 and student loans- 7000. We still have 17k in student loans to go. Our house is currently at a state of 105k. Here is our plan of action: kill the student loans within 10- 12 months. I know, do the math, this means that we need to be putting onto this student loan between 1300-1700k a month. We figured out we make about 50-60k a year and we can deal with living on 30k if it means we won't have debt. This not hanging over us like impending doom is awesome.
Then we attack the house. We have decided we'll probably take a vacation of sorts next year when the student loan is gone just for celebration purposes. (think Texas) Our house payment is about 600 a month. If we continue payments of 1300-1700k a month.... come on math majors... will tak us right around 6 years to pay off the house. Will we be in the same house that long? Probably not. If we live in it for 3 more years, pay half the mort off, and then use the equity in it to put a down payment on a new house..... the win is there.
What a funny topic to post about. Over the years I have realized what I like and what I don't like. What I want to share, what I don't want to share. I like cars with Joe, I just don't care about knowing the workings of it. I glaze over when Joe tries to give me a 20 minute conversation about how our friends Jeep is lifted like this. Or other related things.
Then I noticed I did it to him as well. I was talking to him about bits..... I saw his eyes glaze and he was gone. He cares about the basic mechanics of my hobby, not the interior workings. I'm the same way. Though we both make an effort to pay attention to each other and try to seem interested in each others hobby's. I want to kill him half the time for unrelated things but he has been making a geniune effort lately. More than I can say of anything he has done in the past.
Awesome topic. We had a fight the other night that carried over into the next day. Yeah, one of those knock down dragout crazy fights where nothing really got resolved. We're good now, once we both calmed down and talked it through we figured out what the real reason for the fight was (mainly my stressed out state at the moment, thats a whole nother post) and then decided how to work from there.
I like talking to newlyweds or people in a fresh relationship, as they really haven't gotten the joy of having one of those fights. It's rare for me and Joe to fight like that, but it happens. It's ugly, hurtfull things can be said, and the like. Newb's in a relationship are all clouded up with blah blah blah happiness and say it could never happen to them. See if their still with the person after 10 years and then ask about if they've ever fought. There is no way they couldn't have. I also have a large inclining that a few of their fights were insane.
I've got so much more to type but really ahve to work. I need to make money to pay off debt. ;)
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