Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lots of stuff!

Hopefully I can get the pics of the run up tonight, we have been building it since Sunday, but because of the stupid rain, it hasn't been getting much work at all.

The chickens need to go outside. They are now flying out of the tank and perching on the edge. Just watching you.... it's sorta creepy. I'll probably end up clipping their wings in another week or two, since they seem to LOVE trying to fly everywhere. Silly chickens.

I finally got school figured out. I have UofL in the fall and I'm going to Jefferson Community College in the summer. Chris Rock says: "It's a disco with books". From what I've seen of the people there, I am struggling to NOT believe that. No worries, get these two classes out of the way and then one more year at UofL and hopefully I can get a teaching job next year! *crosses fingers* My head is looking straight up towards awesomeness!

In other news, the milk thistle I've been taking I am assuming is doing a awesome job. I almost cannot drink anymore or I get drunk, like super fast. I am assuming that my liver is trying to repair itself or something because right before I started this supplement, I could hold my own. Now I'm barely keeping up. Which is fine, don't get me wrong, it's just such a major change.

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