Sunday, January 16, 2011

Buck and Memphs

First, lets get to Bucket. I really need to get some pictures up here of him, but I digress. Anywho, I found out on Friday morning that I had been giving the wrong dose of medicine to him. I also found his leg swelling that morning. Talk about momma freaking out. I was supposed to be giving him 4 antibiotics a day, I had only been giving him 2. I fixed that and by Saturday night, the wound was back to normal. It appears it is starting to close up and Buck is still leaving it alone. I have to have the staples pulled on Friday, but at the moment everything with him seems to be fine. I caught him frogging today under the bed, that is a good sign he is in good spirits!

He is just so freaking cute, you can't not love him. Today while Bronson was on the Wii Buck attacked the TV because he thought the Wii hand was a laser. This ensued for quite a while as we all found it to be funny as hell. Then my TV was covered in Buck drool, so in the end it was extremely funny even if it left me a mess to clean up.

Went to see Memphis today as well. He was an extremely good boy today. He allowed me to halter him with no issues, walked just fine on a normal lead, picked up all four feet for me to pick with no issues, and lunged very well for me. We've only been working on walk and woah on the lunge line. He is getting it. Good for him.

He was such a good boy today that we even played some games! I let him off the lead and wonder the barn. His attention was 100% on me. I worked on pushing him away from me and then allowing him into my "bubble" that I created. Tiny little respect type games that have been working out extremely well.

I rode him for about 15 minutes and hopped off. The only thing I really wanted him to do was start to move off my leg. So at a standstill I would push with my right, lets say, and keep pushing and eventually pick up the rein and ask for the move. Took about 5 minutes before he started the connection of when I start to push he needs to move. I'm not asking for perfect movement right now, just some movement. That's why this ride was so short, once he did as I asked I un-tacked him and we were done.

I will probably do the same thing with him tomm until he gets it. I have no doubts that he will figure it out quite quickly. And of course I love doting on him. He gets lots of scratches, pats, rubdowns, and kisses from me. Either in the saddle or out of the saddle, I give him so much attention.

Love my big boy.

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