Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lot's of riding as of late

I know I know, I usually post up after every ride, but I've actually put in quite of bit of time in the saddle lately. This has immensely helped my confidence in the saddle and on top of that has been helping Memphis and I both figure each other out.

I went on a long trail ride today again and I was able to be relaxed enough to let him open up on the trails. This is a huge change from early this summer when I started riding again. As long as he listens to me when I ask for something, I'm really a happy camper. There was some refusals, which I wish I would have had my split reins instead of the roper reins, but in general he is a willing horse. I can also tell a difference in him with me. He will actually stop on a trail and wait with me whereas before he would continue to do what he wanted and it was always a struggle between the two of us.

In all, I'm going to be sore. But I am very pleased with today. He is such a good good horse.

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