Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Oh life

I am so excited to go to the lake this weekend. I mean really excited. I don't even care that there will be kids there or that there could be chaos. I'm just happy to get the hell out of Louisville for a weekend. I still need to pick up a few items for food but woot for leaving!

Tonight should be fun! Meeting up with few friends for beer and food at our favorite local bar. Nothing crazy, just hanging out.

Been "dieting" lately too, i.e., watching what the hell I put in my mouth. Amazing that I actually can eat healthy! What an insane idea!

I am also super happy that I paid all the bills for the month of Sept with the two paychecks that just went into the bank. Meaning all of our paychecks in Sept have no home. (well technically I will use the last paychecks in Sept to pay all of Oct bills) So we still have money to throw ont he student loan! And we're still ahead! Joe was so worried that we couldn't do the horse and pay off student loans but we're doing just that and we're fine. This doesn't even include the second job!

Which, thankfully I am going to quit. Don't need it at this time. If I need one again I'll get it, but thank god I will have weekends back! I'm so happy!

Let's see ... other junk....

Oh we got a new tent! Our old one lasted us 3 years and it technically still has life in it left but it lost a pole and the zipper is pretty much busted. So we went ahead and dropped some dimes and got a 4 season tent. It has aluminum poles! 1 million times better than the fiberglass ones!

I'm also in awesome moods lately, it's like so much of our life is coming together. We agree on almost everything and are just happy.

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