Monday, October 12, 2009


Been kinda a post whore today. Everywhere. My thoughts are just flying through my brain at the moment. I must still be pumped up on this past weekend or something. Who knows. I'll get some coffee in a second for a full round about in-saneness.

And then like that, I have nothing to write about. I could go into everything that has been rushing around my head today, but I have no idea who reads this blog. As much as I want to post a lot of things, I know some people see me in this odd PC light. Maybe I should just say eff it and speak whatever is on my mind. I could just start typing some subjects that just popped up in there, but then I would feel somewhat dirty if like say my mom reads this. (she doesn't, I think)

Then again, what is the point of having a online blog when I don't even post about anything with any real meaning? This blog had turned into something for me at one time, my training journal. I could go back to when I first got Dodge and see what I tried then and if it worked. Then work from there. It became my spot to talk about my horse stuff without Joe's eyes glazing over. Now though, now where do I go?

Maybe I'll start running again. I mean I have the time now and at one point in my life I lived for training. 5 minute miles were very much so my thing. I never wanted to be a fast runner and never worked on it, it just sorta happened. I never could keep that pace though, I would always struggle down after mile 4. My best times was a hair under 2 hours for 13 miles. And that was with walk breaks as I am very afraid of breaking things.

I should start running again. I have nothing else at this point but running. My other hobby's are dead at the moment. Sigh. Yes. Tomm morning I will start the slow slow struggle again. It's how I lost 70lbs at one time, running. I just woke up one day and started doing it, with Shadow in fact. At one time she wasn't old as dirt and a great running partner. I never want to be that skinny again, but I would like to shed a few and get back to 7 min miles.

The sad part is I don't like running with Joe, as much as loves to run with me. Joe wears me out when he runs with me. He is always complaining, making noises like he's dying, and the man can't keep pace to save his life. I like to put my head up, start a pace, and stick it out. Some walking breaks here and there but for the most part keep it up for 30.

I'm excited! This is going to be fun!

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