Sunday, September 11, 2011

Feed part 2!

So I went ahead and got the barn owner to agree to feeding Memphis something new. I shouldn't say agree, more like laugh at me while I'm doing this. I picked up 3 bags of the new stuff yesterday and stuck it in a trash can I brought from home for him. It smells like licorice. Not bad though, you have to be right up on top of it to smell it, unlike the feed at the barn where the entire feed room smells sweet and grainy. It's also drier than her feed, the pellets don't stick together, but there is no dust to speak of. Today starts the transition to the new stuff. Hopefully he at least gets that nutty edge taken off of him. :)

Couple other thoughts about feed while I'm here and to expand on the comment on my last feed post. I do not believe horses need to be grained every day if they aren't doing work. I do think they need the grain if they are working as they are exerting more energy trying to please us than they would just walking around stuffing their mouths full of grass.

Now, my final goals for Memphis? To put him on just a ration balancer and then beet pulp for the extra if he needs it. I don't want to do that right now though for a couple reasons. One, I don't think the barn owner would go for that; I know I know he's my horse I should have say, but I do have to not burn bridges with this awesome awesome woman. Two, I'd feel more comfortable playing with his feed when he is living on my own property and that way the consequences of whatever I do are solely on me. (losing weight, getting too hyper, gaining too much, getting to dull, and on and on) And three, since he looks to be used right now and I think I'm going to find a leaser for him, I want to keep him on the feed for the extra oomph. (if that makes any sense at all)

Those are my thoughts on that at the moment.

Now yesterday I go to the barn and wanted to play with my idiot and put his new feed away. My idiot isn't there! Talk about freaking out! I had been asked about 3 weeks ago if he could be used for the year end 4-H trail ride and I told them sure if somebody wants to ride him and signs my waiver go for it. They forgot to tell me the date, so after much freaking out and phone calls I find him on a trail ride. PHEW! I know one of the moms rode him, so I hope he did well for her. Barn owner said he saddled and trailered just fine, which is good, since right before I got pregnant we worked on that quite a bit.

The only thing that worries me is the bit they are using and if they make him stand after mounting. Memphis has a VERY soft mouth and I was contemplating putting him into a D-ring instead of the leverage bit that he was in. I'll talk to the barn owner tonight and find out the bit thing and try to see if I can't get info out of the mom on how he rode. I just want to know everything I think. haha

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