Sunday, May 17, 2009


So this weekend was a blast! Friday, I broke my toe. I know, gross. It hurts like a mofo. I want to go to the doctor but know he will just tell me to tape and live. Therefore.......... I am going to just tape and live.

My mother came in on Saturday and we hung out.

Today I went to see Champ and Dodge. Joe really wants Champ (another horse) I'm on the fence. I want something more competative than Champ. We'll see.

Here is updated Dogde pics! I'll give a full update tomm!@

" I swear to God, those better be apple treats..."

"Oh really? You don't have any? Then why am I associating with you?"

"I'm done with you"
"I'm just going to walk away now, unless you do something different"
"Oh, now you're following me? At least you smell like a treat.... I guess..."

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