Friday, May 8, 2009

Step 2 in the many chapters of Dodge

The farrier is set to come out on Monday!!!!!!!! I was going to have the old owner do it with me, but I think to ease the burden off of her, I'll just pay the $25 for a trim and have a person come out to do it. That way I don't have to feel like I'm pushing her to do anything. I did explain to him that she is underweight and hasn't had the hooves done in probably a year. He agreed a trim is best and I will probably stick her on a 4-6 week schedule until the hooves grow back out and reform themselves. No feet no horse!

I am also taking my last *sniff* riding lesson on Saturday. I am really hating to break this to my instructor and I don't really want to do this. But, to give Dodge a better quality of life, I have to make some cutbacks in leisure stuff. I've been going to Frances for over a year! I will have to basically make a commitment to come back to her when I am able to. I have so much going on! I still want to buy Chex and will let her know that and I want to board Dodge with her. But I need to focus on Dogde and only Dogde for a bit.

Oh and remember that whole marriage thing? Tiny updates: I purchased our rings. Titanium is what I got for the both of us. Won't match the ring I have now, but that is really ok. It's the same band, just not in gold, and in a different metal. Joe got the same band as well but wanted the brushed look to it, so that is what I did for him. I am going to have to send the boys off for manual labor at the farm since I am going to start working my second job next week. Gotta get the barn ready for the wedding! I need to call Larry, that is my goal next week, to get it all squared away with him.

Need to figure out microphones which I will call next week to look around for rentals there. And I want to change the napkin colors for the tables in the barn. Will have to probably meet up with Mindy at the rental place for that. Other than those few things, the wedding is pretty much planned out. How freaking crazy is that?

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