Thursday, October 29, 2009

French Onion Soup and other muesings

This entry will be about soup. Walk away now, brave reader, if you cannot handle an entire blog about soup.

Last night I made one of my absolute favorite soups, french onion. (Joe said I should rename it to Rachel's Onion to avoid the French) I am so in love with this soup because it has so much going for it. Sweet carmalized onions, rich broth, crusty croutons, and lots of broiled cheese on top. Oh, its like love in my mouth. I cannot get enough of it. Last night I accidentally forgot the recipe and had to wing it. Which was good because it turned out effing amazing. So here it is in all its glory, the recipe for greatness.

French Onion Soup

5 large onions (I used yellow)
4-5 tabl butter
1/4 cup vermouth
1/2 cup dry white wine
4 cups stock (I used chicken, traditional is beef)
2-3 cloves garlic
1 bay leaf
Sprinkle of thyme
1 good crusty bread loaf
Tons of shredded swiss cheese (what can I say, it's my recipe)

Slice onions in half, removing the two ends in the process. Remove the skins and cut into quarters. Slice thin. Add butter to a large saucepan and melt over a med heat. Toss in all the onions, cover, walk away. In about ten minutes, come back and stir. Cover and walk away. Repeat this till the bottom of the saucepan starts getting browned goodness and the onions begin to turn a light brown. Scrape up as much of the browned bits off the bottom of the pan as you can and cover and walk away for 5 minutes. Keep this up till all the onions are carmalized a deep caramal color.

Deglaze with the vermouth then the wine. Add in the garlic chopped into tiny peices, the broth, thyme, and the bay leaf. Simmer for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile slice your crusty bread into thin slices. Turn a broiler on Low and roast those suckers for about 2-3 minutes, flip, and roast the other side. You are looking for toasted perfection on both sides. Once out of the oven rub all over witha sliced piece of garlic.

Spoon the finished soup into bowls, top with a piece of bread or two, cover in swiss and place under the broiler on hi for about a minute. Watch, it may burn. Turn off burner, remove, and enjoy. (caution, it will be extremely hot!)

There, that is my love. I've been making lots of soup lately. Been eyeing another large batch of gumbo coming up. MMMM

Monday, October 26, 2009


Yesterday I got the nerve to call my old trainer up. We had been relaying emails back and forth for quite some time and I just called because it was a gorgeous day and I wanted to see if she was heading out. Turns out she was and had two riders that day. I asked if I could straggle along to which she sounded gratefull for some help.

I think we worked really well together. It was like an unwritten system and we got it done. She handed me a horse and I groomed, then she grabbed another and she groomed. We saddled and put them back in their stalls and grabbed another two. Saddled and then got the truck and trailor ready. I led the horses to the trailor while she loaded them in.

Once at the barn while she got them unloaded I was putting them away. Once they were all in she checked the cinches on two horses and I checked the other two. She bridled two and I bridled two. Once the girls who were going to ride showed up I got the two horses that were to be used for them standing next to the mounting block while my trainer showed them how to get up and how to steer. We both adjusted stirrups.

Once I got up on my horse I fell quietly in behind the two girls while my trainer went to the front of them. It was like clockwork the entire time. I didn't say much other than to tell the girl infront of me to kick every now and again and to pull hard on the reins when the horse balked at moving.

My horse I had never rode before and we quickly had a temper tantrum the second we started walking away from the barn. He wanted to go back, I wanted to go forward. We sat for about five minutes with him doing that sideways fast step trying to go back up the hill, me kicking him hard in the right for forward movement, and him pulling his head left while I was pulling right. I think I terrified the girl in front of me. Her eyes were saucers watching me work.

Five minutes later my horse was like "fine" and went forward. We didn't have a single issue the rest of the ride. In fact, I really liked him. By the end of it he was starting to respond to the neck rein and leg I was giving him the entire ride. (my trainer doesn't ride him at all, she got really frustrated with him and wants to sell him)

After the ride I helped with tying horses, unbridling, getting horses hosed off, back ont he trailor, and then once they were home doing all the unsaddleing. It was all in all and awesome day. I really enjoyed it. It was almost theraputic to me. I think my trainer enjoyed having me there to help as well, she told me to come back whenever I wanted to just help out with anything. I need that right now. Not another horse, just to be around them.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Life and some me post...

I am in love with Gary Allen and his music. I've been listening to it alot lately and I can say that he is one of my favorites. I think it's amazing to walk back in time with my life. This is not what I thought would happen and god damn I had more stupid mistakes that could have honestly ended up in turmoil. For fun, since this is an open blog and I really don't give a shit, let's go over a couple. This could be a metric ass ton of fun.

Skipping School:

I was a pro at this. It didn't start till I was in middle school. I used to act like I was getting ready for school then just never leave. Fake sick if needed. I was a pro, or so I thought. I got caught once and brought back to school. Once. I'll never forget it. But I'll also never forget all the fun I had while not in school. Oh those were the days.

First Loves:

I had so many of these, I even made my friends a little jealous. Apparently I was cute or something because I didn't really have a period where I was worried about a boyfriend. I always went for the older guys, why I dunno. That's how I met my ex. That dumb mother fucker, but it is how I met him. He was older and could buy me ciggs.... go me. I know, I'm a fucking loser, but damn, I was 15. I remember one of my friends liking this one guy a lot and he ended up wanting me. I didn't want him, but ya know. It was a jab for me. I don't see myself as hot or anything and to have a guy want me over a friend? That's just plain odd.

Haha! I remember when my first "boyfriend" tried to kiss me. I broke up with him. HAHAHAHa that is a good memory. I also remember the first guy I slept with. I met him maybe 3 times. Looking back the only reason I slept with him was to impress my friends. Yeah, I'm a freaking winner. Thankfully, I didn't turn into a whore after that and can still count all my lovers on one hand. Unlike some of my friends..... and there are quite a few of them...

My first Tattoo:

I love my first tattoo and want another one. Joe is vehemently against it. Why, I will never know. But I will have another and it is going to be on my foot. Hopefully in the next few weeks I will start looking for artists. Though, lots of people ask "Why a Gecko?" I do not have an answer for them. It was what I wanted and it's what still makes me smile when I look at it. I do not regret it even almost 10 years later.

I want my next one to be about Dodge. I know, bittersweet. I need to find an artist to tell the story to and to be what I can't draw. I do not want a horse tattoo'd on me, I want something that has a lot of meaning and is powerful. I want this decision to be left on my mind forever. I miss Dodge every morning I wake up. I want to go nuzzle her so bad. I want to be frustrated again. I want to incorporate so much love and so much anger into one area of my body. It will be interesting.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I am in love!

This what I want:

Good looking, dapple grey, twh. He is a gelding. OOOO I would take him home right now if I were in the position to buy another horse! I hope he finds a good home.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Been kinda a post whore today. Everywhere. My thoughts are just flying through my brain at the moment. I must still be pumped up on this past weekend or something. Who knows. I'll get some coffee in a second for a full round about in-saneness.

And then like that, I have nothing to write about. I could go into everything that has been rushing around my head today, but I have no idea who reads this blog. As much as I want to post a lot of things, I know some people see me in this odd PC light. Maybe I should just say eff it and speak whatever is on my mind. I could just start typing some subjects that just popped up in there, but then I would feel somewhat dirty if like say my mom reads this. (she doesn't, I think)

Then again, what is the point of having a online blog when I don't even post about anything with any real meaning? This blog had turned into something for me at one time, my training journal. I could go back to when I first got Dodge and see what I tried then and if it worked. Then work from there. It became my spot to talk about my horse stuff without Joe's eyes glazing over. Now though, now where do I go?

Maybe I'll start running again. I mean I have the time now and at one point in my life I lived for training. 5 minute miles were very much so my thing. I never wanted to be a fast runner and never worked on it, it just sorta happened. I never could keep that pace though, I would always struggle down after mile 4. My best times was a hair under 2 hours for 13 miles. And that was with walk breaks as I am very afraid of breaking things.

I should start running again. I have nothing else at this point but running. My other hobby's are dead at the moment. Sigh. Yes. Tomm morning I will start the slow slow struggle again. It's how I lost 70lbs at one time, running. I just woke up one day and started doing it, with Shadow in fact. At one time she wasn't old as dirt and a great running partner. I never want to be that skinny again, but I would like to shed a few and get back to 7 min miles.

The sad part is I don't like running with Joe, as much as loves to run with me. Joe wears me out when he runs with me. He is always complaining, making noises like he's dying, and the man can't keep pace to save his life. I like to put my head up, start a pace, and stick it out. Some walking breaks here and there but for the most part keep it up for 30.

I'm excited! This is going to be fun!

Weekend fun!

I went shopping on Friday. Gasp people gasp. I never shop. Not only did I go shopping, I bought 2 dresses and 2 skirts. Now fall over dead because I am not kown to do this.

Went out to dinner with the inlaws and Joe's brother. I had my favorite meat on the planet, delicious lobster. I love you lobster, your cute little red body, white delicious meat, the antennae that Joe likes to poke me with........... did I mention I love lobster?

Saturday was Z-Day. Well, in reality it turned into off road breakage but it was still alot of fun. The fajitas I made turned out well, which is good because I was nervous. I'm still waiting on 2 people to pay me for all the food and nottery, but if they pay then I am not out any money for this event. (sans what me and Joe would have paid)

I also did totes this time around! I have all of our camping gear in totes. This has made everything so much easier. Pack it into totes instead of all individually and I can leave it all in totes. I am happy with my totes. Totes totes totes.

I'm pretty sure our group of friends is also the most awesome on the planet. There is good time to be had when they are around. I like watching newbs ride with Joe and get completely covered in mud. I want a Heep like our friend W. His is high enough off the ground to miss most of the mud, but has no doors to add to the element of suprise. I also love having a roll bar to hold onto.

I love Joe's little Sammi that could, I really do. But it's stupid low to the ground, you get covered in mud, and the tippage factor on that little Sammi is high. Although, Joe blew it up this weekend so I CANNOT WAIT to get it back to our house to tear into it! I want to see the motor! Hehe, I like tearing apart motors, not so much putting them back together. Just ripping things apart. Evil?

Jeez, we also need to get our carport finished up with the painting. And I need to start looking for clearance fire pits. We need one for the backyard for chilly days around it. :)