Wednesday, June 15, 2011


So I bought a new pair of riding boots. I actually dropped cash on these. My first pair of riding boots were just paddock boots and they were CHEAP. Saxon's that I bought for 25 bucks. I will say that while the cheapies were not comfortable to walk in, they did hold up to 3 years of riding. Eventually the pull strap to pull them on broke, the glue holding the upper to the sole broke, and what did them in for me? My shoelace finally bit the dust.

So I started looking at brands of boots. I really only wanted to buy Ariats or Justins. I settled on Justins. Here is what I got:,-Color:-Cognac,-Size:-9.5,-Width:-B/731871769443,default,pd.html

I know, ostrich print? I needed some flare without some obnoxious color. :)

Now boots, I have found people either think their needed or think they are not. I'm in the yes they are needed camp. The tennis shoe's riding is not for me. I really did get spoiled by boots. I like the way my feet feel in the stirrups with the boots on. I also find that in tennis shoes my feet slide more in the stirrups or they don't move when I need them to. Now scratch your all's heads at that comment, but I swear it to be true.

Two things I don't want to be without with my horse... boot's or a helmet. Which the helmet is the next thing I want to get a new one of. I have just a standard Troxel white helmet. It works, does its job, and I feel safer with it on. But, I want some style if I'm gonna be trail riding heavier this fall/winter. Sounds dorky I know haha.

In other news, Memphis' leg since turnout is doing much better. Not sure if I ever blogged about his leg, but he had a HUGE fluid build up in it from banging his leg on the stall when he eats. (he is quirky like that) He also bangs it when he is impatient. Vet had to be called out and she said there is no damage, gave me some DMSO chock full of steriods, gave Memphis a big dose of steriods and gave me the all clear.

But, the leg kept me from doing anything with him for 2 weeks. You can stil see a small amount of the fluid in the leg, but he isn't lame on it so I am happy. And the vet says that it could come back. Joy.

I will say though, Memphis, since this incident, has quit banging his stall so much. I think a lot of that has to do with the hobbles that I bought. Barn owner uses the hell out of them on him, or did. Memphis hasn't been hobbled in a few weeks.

Haha and I never did go into this farrier incident. I'll save that for another post, this one is getting long and doesn't seem to have direction anymore! But I'm good at rambling.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Rode my freaking horse!

Thank God! It was a nice evening and I rode. Couple things that I have found:

1.) He likes to scream at his buddies

2.) He likes to speed up near the gate

3.) He is awesome on the ground

4.) We almost have woah down to a science

5.) He is *finally* starting to anticipate the leg maneuvers

Now the screaming I will not tolerate. That leads to retard-ism on the horses part if it gets out of hand. He is not to scream to his buddies when he is with me. N.E.V.E.R. Dodge did that (my first horse) and I ignored it, well guess how it got worse and worse till she was running over top of me?

He gets walloped with whatever I have in my hand, which today was a brush, curry, hand, and a stirrup. When I got done with the ride he started to yell and I picked up the stirrup again to whack him and he quieted right down and stood there chewing the bit.

He has FINALLY the last two rides stood like an angel for mounting. I do need a good new pair of riding boots though, as tennis shoes do not slide in the stirrups like boots do. (that's the point right?)

Now, how I have decided to train this big animal that I love. SLOWLY. I have all the time in the world to get him trained; I'm not training for an event, I'm not training him for some specific discipline, and I'm not training him for anyone else. I do see the benefit of short 15-30 minute rides. I feel like he won't get overworked, he can learn what I'm asking, and as soon as he does what I ask it's time to end the lesson.

So the next month of riding? Flat Walk. That isn't to say that I won't ask every now and again for more speed, but I want my horse to have a good solid flat walk. I want to be able to hop on and not go running off into the sunset. I want some gait out of him that is solid. I want that to be the flat walk. I am planning (since it is finally nice) to start riding him 3-4 times a week at just the flat walk.

I know now, it's a little rough. He isn't sure what I want because I haven't asked him to do anything really but eat, sleep, and poop. But, I will change that here in the future.

Here we go Memphis!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Turnout and Bath's

Throughout the winter Memphis got very little turnout. I feel bad about this, but I'm happy where he is boarded at. He always has fresh water, stall is cleaned every day, grained twice a day, and 4 flakes of hay in the winter. If something was wrong it was fixed and treated first, while I was/am on the phone. So for his quality of care is excellent, then I will not bitch too much about a small amount of turnout in the winter.

In the spring we had epic amounts of rain, so again, turnout was very very limited since the pasture was essentially mud. My barn owner likes to keep her horses dry and so Memphis gets to do what her horses do. (I'm her only boarder haha)

When it hit 80F and was somewhat dry, I decided to give Memphis his first bath. Get all the winter wooley hair that was still clinging out and get rid of that dust that plagues every horse. Anyone who reads this that has a horse knows what I'm talking about.

So, lets go with Memphis hadn't been out of his stall to run around for a bit, it's now warm, and I'm wanting to contain him for a bath? HA. His feet were a goin in every direction but with the help of my barn owner we got him done.

Fast forward to yesterday, where now Memphis has been turned out every single day for the past two weeks. The past week it has been 90F or more every single day. I wanted to ride last night buuuutttt Memphis was sweating just standing outside. I couldn't do that to him, but I used this to work on the hose.

Here's how it went:

Pull Memphis out of the pasture. Lead him into the barn to the hose. Turn hose on. Walk Memphis and hose out to the drive. Drop hose. Hose kicks on and starts spraying water AND wiggling around on the ground. Me tries to remain calm while thinking to myself Memphis might flip out thinking it's a horse eating hose. Memphis actually took the hose off like a champ. I think this is because he was soooooooo hot that the cold water felt really really good.

Other than screaming for his friends (which was corrected with a snap on the lead rope) he did the whole thing quite nicely.

I'm gonna hose him, or at least try to, every time I'm out. I'd like to be able to tie him and then hose him, though I think that is a little ways off.

But there. That is my big dumb horse post :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's Hot

Here in KY we don't just have heat, we have humidity. Hot, sticky, and damp heat. Horrid stuff. That being said, when it hits 90+ not much gets done because it's hot.

Memphis has done nothing. I was going to ride today but it was 95F and Memphis was just standing in the pasture sweating. Nope, no riding.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Anticipating the problem

I've noticed on every ride I have done with Memphis, I am anticpating a problem with the ride. I take FOREVER to tack him up. I take forever to get into the saddle. I also take forever to get moving after in the saddle. Lately, I've realized why: I think I will have a problem.

In all, Memphis is a really good horse, slightly green, but a really good horse. He generally wants to take care of me when I'm on his back and doesn't balk at anything, nor does he cause me a problem.

I on the other hand, think everything is a problem. I just haven't been riding that much and have lost my seat, my hands, and my mind for it. It has finally quit raining and I plan on riding tomm as the arena is dry. I want to ride 3 times this week. That's the goal, 3-4 times a week as long as it stays dry.

Goals for the next 4 weeks? Really push the leg aids and really push his rack. Rack Rack Rack. I then need to start asking for the flat walk. He wants to go directly froma walk to a rack. Fine. I will build up what I'm asking for a little slower. He wants to rack? Fine, rack away buddy. I'll get that solid gear on you and then we are slowing down to the flat walk.

Memphis has a beautiful, head bobbing, smooth flat walk. I know I can get a running walk out of him, I just need more finesse than what I have had. This summer is going to be a gait filled summer I forsee. Which is fine, it will just make me more at peace with my big guy.

I love my Memphis :)