Monday, June 6, 2011

Anticipating the problem

I've noticed on every ride I have done with Memphis, I am anticpating a problem with the ride. I take FOREVER to tack him up. I take forever to get into the saddle. I also take forever to get moving after in the saddle. Lately, I've realized why: I think I will have a problem.

In all, Memphis is a really good horse, slightly green, but a really good horse. He generally wants to take care of me when I'm on his back and doesn't balk at anything, nor does he cause me a problem.

I on the other hand, think everything is a problem. I just haven't been riding that much and have lost my seat, my hands, and my mind for it. It has finally quit raining and I plan on riding tomm as the arena is dry. I want to ride 3 times this week. That's the goal, 3-4 times a week as long as it stays dry.

Goals for the next 4 weeks? Really push the leg aids and really push his rack. Rack Rack Rack. I then need to start asking for the flat walk. He wants to go directly froma walk to a rack. Fine. I will build up what I'm asking for a little slower. He wants to rack? Fine, rack away buddy. I'll get that solid gear on you and then we are slowing down to the flat walk.

Memphis has a beautiful, head bobbing, smooth flat walk. I know I can get a running walk out of him, I just need more finesse than what I have had. This summer is going to be a gait filled summer I forsee. Which is fine, it will just make me more at peace with my big guy.

I love my Memphis :)


Funder said...

I know this is a really unhelpful comment, but you just have to ride more. Just get up there and do it. The more you ride the easier it gets :) Dixie was zero-to-rack in .2 seconds when I got her - absolutely no walk at all, so you're better off than I was there. :)

Got anybody to ride at night with? It's so much fun, once you get a little trust going both ways, and it's about all you can do in the south in the summer. I rode (flat walk almost all the time) at night a lot in Memphis.

RachelLynne said...

Funder, it's just me. You are totally right though, I just need to ride. I'm working on it, but that little part of me screams HOLY CRAP!

I have to tell myself constantly, drop your hands, drop your heels, deep in the saddle, and breath.

Hard to believe 1 year ago I was riding green horses! I do have people to ride with if they are out when I'm out. I always get there at an odd time of day though, so sometimes it's hard.

Oh, and the walk, Memphis and I had quite the coming to Jesus about walking a few months ago, not sure if I ever posted that one, but it is why he WILL walk when I want him to.

Thanks for the support!