Wednesday, October 27, 2010

So long time no post!

I've either been too busy to post or just have not had the energy to post. Lets see here.... I started school again, but this time I'm just going to take it S.L.O.W. I am working at the insurance company and still do not have a new horse. I see a prospect that I'm going to look at on Friday, so we'll see. I REALLY just want another gaited horse, like really really. Dodge spoiled me in the ways of riding.

Chickens are doing great, the rooster is mating with my two oldest hens and their eggs are coming out fertilized. ( you can crack and egg and see if it is.) Yes, we are eating the fertilized eggs. They are yum :D I am still waiting on my younger ones to freaking lay, they are 24 weeks now. The only one that looks close is my easter egger, she is getting red in the face and comb. I hope she lays green eggs! *crosses fingers*

Not much else, but I do hope to start posting more, I really do. With pictures!