Tuesday, January 17, 2012



Life is well, life. I'm now 34 weeks along, getting to the miserable stage, and trying not to kill my husband. It's just now getting uncomfortable to sleep at night and Lucy is having a kick fest in there today. (actually it could be kicks, head butts, punches, or whatever else makes her happy)

I feel like cleaning is too much and since my husband rarely cleans, it just pisses me off. Welcome to the fights! Yay! I'm trying to get rid of stuff in the house too, we have so much STUFF that I'm not sure what to do with it all. I'm being proactive and taking the stance that if I haven't touched it in over a year or so, out it goes. Making for long weekends.

I'll get it done. I have to.


These two are TARDS. I got them both neutered yesterday, so they are right around 5 months, if not a little over when I've done this. Neither were marking, yet. Nor were they wanting to roam anywhere. But, I wanted this done before they hit 6 months of age, so I'm happy with the timing here.

They are also VERY different personality wise. I need to get back to working with them on a regular basis, I've been slacking lately just due to being pregnant. Stupid pregnancy. Carl is the more outgoing "weeee" type of dog. He reminds me a lot of Buck in his personality. Angus is timid. He is afraid to get yelled at and afraid of just about everything. I'm not coddling him (well, I did yesterday, but that's a little different) and I'm letting him work through these things himself.


Memphis is fine. I checked on him Sunday and dropped off 3 months worth of board checks. Since I'm not sure what is going to happen since I'm so far along, I didn't want to have to think about board just in case.

I want to ride my horse though. Really really want to...