Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tomorrow I ride! And other random junk..

I haven't ridden in 3 weeks. That may be a sin in some countries, I'm not 100% sure. Part of it is Lucille, it has been interesting to try to figure out what to do with her while I visit him and it has honestly taken me 6 weeks after I've gone back to work to finally get settled into a routine. Is that sad or what?

But! I need to get on him and get this thing moving if I ever plan on having a great future with him at all. So my goals tomm are two things with him:

1) work on neck reining and legs some more

2) Let him open up a little under saddle

For #1, I've just been starting my rides out all the same. I flat walk 2-3 circles around the arena to get him back into the moving phase and get me more relaxed. (ok its all me) I have set up poles in a pole bending pattern and we go through them over and over again. I say left, apply the right rein to his neck and push with my right leg. I say right, apply the left rein to his neck and push with my left leg. He was just starting to make the connection without me having to correct with direct reining, but I have a feeling that I've let it go too long. Oh well. My inner legs could use a workout.

For #2, I know he just wants to gait under saddle and I've been holding him back making him stay in a flat walk only. I'm gonna let him go and see what happens. Slightly crazy, but I think it would be nice to see what he does if I let him go a little. Not like drop the reins and cowgirl it up, but see which gait he chooses if I allow him the freedom to choose. I have a feeling it will be a rack, but we'll see.

In other news, I'm dieting like a madwoman. Not fun.

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