Monday, June 8, 2009

Wedding Muesings

So it's now down to 5 days. I'm slowly starting to freak out! I even had a dream about it last night! The wedding in that dream was horrible! I hope ours is NOT like that!

Things to do this week:

Monday: visit Dodge and get her cleaned up, mucked out, and lunged. Run outside tonight.

Tuesday: Help MIL make the centerpeices for the tables. Run outside.

Wendsday: Pick up dogs perscriptions, buy all soda for the wedding, buy stuff to make signs with. finish freaking out

Thursday: get off half day and prepare for the wedding. Need to find my shoes that I will wear, get my dress for rehearsal dinner, pack for lake cumberland, visit Dodge at some point for the vet, get the trucks loaded up with crap to take down on Friday to the farm. Clean clean clean the house. Host a small BBQ for the parents. Paint the cornhole boards.

Friday: spend all day at the farm hanging the lights, setting up the tables, the portapotties, getting the ceremony site together at the top of the hill, setting up the volleyball net, laying out the cornhole boards, setting up our tents, setting up the shade tents, setting up the trash cans, set up the signs for directions. Get back in town by 5pm so that we can go to the rehearsal dinner at 7pm.

Saturday: Get up and jet to Whole Foods and pick out flowers for Janine and I. Then to Chaplin to meet at Mamaw's house for the getting ready thing. This should be interesting.... a million women in one small house. I forsee the fight. Have a wedding by 3pm!

So yeah.... my week is filled with crap to do! I have like not a second atm to think! And I know I'm forgetting things on that list!

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