This meal I'm about to post started all because I wanted cilantro, limes, and jalapeno's. Since the asian food store always has those in abundance, that is where I went to get it all. Then I saw a coconut, then, then, and then. So here we are, with a tropical kind of menu that I am sure will please friends once the weather warms up and you have some entertaining to do.
This is pretty freaking spicy, but that is because I am spice fan. The spice can be downplayed if you want to by removing the ribs and seeds of the jalapeno, but that, to me, takes the fun out of it!
Cilantro Grilled Chicken2 limes, juiced
1/2 bunch cilantro
4-5 cloves garlic
2-3 chopped jalapeno's
Coconut water from a fresh coconut
1 tabls sugar
Whiz it all in a food processor and BAM! you have a marinade.
Coconut Rice1 small onion
1 can unsweetened coconut milk
1/4 cup sugar (scant)
1/4 cup coconut
1/2 can water
Cilantro to taste
2 tabl butter
1 cup rice
Melt butter in a pot and add onions. Cook till onions begin to look translucent. Add rice and cook for about 2-3 minutes. Add the sugar, milk, and water to the pot. Cover and simmer for 45 minutes. When rice is tender, remove from heat and let sit for 10 minutes. Stir in chopped cilantro to taste.
The rest of the recipe is fairly simple. Marinate chicken (whatever parts you like) in the marinade for 1-2 hours. Simply grill them over a medium high flame till done, basting as needed. This chicken was AWESOME and I cannot believe I just made it up. I would highly recommend you try, unless you don't like cilantro, then I can't help you. I added chopped mango to my chicken for a little sweetness but you can do as you like. A white wine is your best bet with this dish. YUM.
I have no pictures because I ate it all. :(
I actually bought a coconut for this dish, you can find hundreds of instructions on the right way to open them on the internet.. I highly recommend using an actual whole coconut for this recipe.