Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Joys of trail riding with your own horse

I absolutely love this damn horse. Really. From going to see him to do nothing with him but snuggle into his neck while he's quietly munching on hay, to working him into a slight sweat in the barn.

Yesterday I went on a 1.5 hour ride on him. My barn owner was slightly nervous once we got to the place to ride since Memphis decided to bolt off the trailer. Hopped up on him and rode him around looking to see what would make him spook first, he is actually a really solid mount! He perks his ears forward and just goes over and through just about anything.

We crossed down logs, creeks, puddles, and climbed a few simple mundane hills. While deer spooked two of the trainers horses, Memphis just stood there like a champ. He does not like being in the back of the pack, but that is because he is a Walker, they naturally walk faster than stock type horses.

He did get us lost when he choose the wrong path back to the trailer, which was fine. Even my barn owner was impressed with how well he did overall though. When she gets impressed by a horse, that says a lot.

I need to get his hooves done... I've been waiting on my barn owner to do her horses but I'm not sure if she is going to do hers anytime soon or not. I may just go ahead and get the farrier out there. I cannot stand bad hooves. Like it drives me absolutely nuts to have long hooves.

I hope to get some recent pics of him up soon, I really do. Every time I go out I forget to get any. I'm too busy being enamored by him.

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