Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Memphis is still coughing. Vet apparently dropped off something else for him yesterday. Some type of iodine powder to give him to help dry him out. I have no clue anymore lol my barn owner has been taking care of all of it and I've been trying to stay away from the barn until this whole thing blows over. That little mother part of me doesn't want to chance Lucy getting anything, even though the chance is remote.

Monday he sees his new farrier. I've only been putting this poor woman off for 3 weeks due to Memphis being sick.... She specializes in barefoot horses and keeping them sound, so I'm hoping this will work out well for him as I really really want to keep him barefoot since I don't really use him all that much. I've literally rode about 4 times since I gave birth...

I'm down 4.4lbs!!! I'm FINALLY under the 200lb mark!!!! My short term goal is to be at 180lbs. The long term goal is 145lb. I need to get my butt back to the gym, I was doing really really well with that buuuuttttt I've been slacking for 3 weeks...

I also keep trying to put money back into savings... BUUUTTTT Memphis got sick, new tires on my car, new brakes on my car, did our stock up on food, and life crap have gotten in the way this month. I *think* I shoudl still be able to put a little bit into savings this month with the goal next month to not let Murphy come out to play; he isn't allowed in my life anymore. NOT ALLOWED.

That's all I've got for today

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