Thursday, August 16, 2012

Refusals, tantrums, and all out meltdowns

So last night I get to the barn and figure a short 30 minute ride of working on neck reining and leg aids again would do me good. What did I get when I got there? Oh, lets just take a look here:

1.) Acting like a damn fool for the fly spray. This is AFTER I've put way more time than needed into him with that stuff and on Saturday I sprayed him down with not even a flinch from him. Oh but last night he decides he is going to jump back and forth, try to rear back on the lead rope, and attempt to run me over. Fine. The barn owner held him while I sprayed and after 10 minutes he decides to stand still.

2.) Trying to avoid the saddle pad. This is the only part of saddling that he will flat out refuse. He knows that this part means he is about to work and he gets upset. So it's a tricky game of get the pad on. I had no time for his stupidity last night so I backed him sideways into a wall so he had nowhere to go and put the pad on him. He saddled just like normal.

3.) Once on him he pinned his ears and started swishing that tail. This more annoys me than anything as I know he only wanted to leave the arena and go back to the barn. This is a flat out just annoyance from him and you know what? I just don't care. I really don't.

4.) He would NOT stay in a flat walk and once you asked him to turn, he would immediately start to gait and turn towards the exit. Here is where I wish I had not used the bit I used on him. It was too much bit for this much of a fight with him but at that point I wasn't about to hop down and switch bridles. He was stuck with what was in his mouth.

5.) He also would start flat out refusing to move forward, again, he only wanted to turn around and run to the exit. It had nothing to do with pain, nothing to do with me, but it had all to do with it was evening. About the time food gets fed and everything winds down for the night.

6.) I eventually got a half assed flat walk that was heavy on corrections for a slow down from him. This is when I let him leave the arena and go back to the barn. Mainly because I had to leave to pick up my daughter from the sitters.

Sunday though, I'll have the time to put into him. Smaller bit, riding crop, and lots of patience. He is so screwed because I will work him down till he thinks he can't live anymore and he will do the gait I'm asking for which is only a flat walk. So I guess now, neck reining and leg aids are out. He gets to work on walking. Even if that means it will take me forever.

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