Friday, October 30, 2015

Butters Rides!

I got the option of not getting my husband and kiddo from work yesterday. This meant that I would be home about 45 minutes earlier and I took full advantage of this. I decided to get half my homework done yesterday at work so I could go home to try out Butters.

Taking it back in time just a little, when I bought Butters I did ride him, but I'm going to guess he was not comfortable with the tack that he was using. He was in a standard D-ring and had no control. I don't ride in anything but shanked bits, so remembering the amount of contact needed on a bit like this was a conscious effort, which could be part of the control issues. He also had a curb chain on the D-ring... . He didn't ride GREAT but I figured, what the hey, he should make a great little guy with some work.

So out to the field I went yesterday with a halter and lead rope to find the horses. Once found I let them "catch" me; meaning I just sat down on the ground. Of course Mr. Memphis was the first over to say hello and try to eat my hair. Butters just stood there like "oh hell no I see that halter", but let me go up to him to halter. Note to self, a pony halter is a little too small and a horse halter is a little too big. Sweet Butters.

Last night was the first time I've had the time to scramble up on him. Memphis was not pleased that it was Butters getting ridden, but I think Memphis will survive. Since I have no saddle that fits Butters and I don't want to buy a wide tree saddle for him just to have it not fit in a year, I bought a bareback pad to ride in. Took me a second to scramble up onto him but once I was up, we were off! I rode him in one of Memphis' first bits, just a shorter shanked bit with a port. (Memphis likes ported bits) At first I rode with some pressure on the reins and he balked so I released all pressure and rode on a very loose rein.

He still shook his head. That tells me that either he hates the amount of bit or his teeth need to be floated. I'm going with a mixture of both. I might see if a Wonderbit or Kimberwick would be better for him and get rid of the port all together. I wasn't planning on having the vet out till next spring, but if I need to, I'll get him out sooner to float his teeth.

Other than that, Butters is very willing. I didn't let him go above a walk as I wanted this to be a positive riding experience for him since he doesn't really know me and hasn't been in work for a long time. If I have daylight tonight available I'll try again. Or ride Memphis.. Memphis loves to go go go. :) 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Oh that Veronica Vaughn....

On the horse front a few thoughts, I'll list each one for each horse.


Rode him down to the neighbors the other night to drop off some feed. Memphis was fine.. UNTIL ... he realized A.) that he was far away from home and B) there was a mule in the pasture next to him. The second I dismounted, Memphis lost his mind. There was no coming back. I ended up walking him in hand back home because it was raining and I wasn't wanting to fight him undersaddle on pavement in the rain. The goal the past two days since then has been to ride once again but this time going *just* to the edge where I feel him start to get ancy and turn around for home. The problem has been the rain. IF its not raining tonight the goal is to just ride him around home. I feel the need to reset his mind a little that riding isn't bad since we did not have a good night together after he decided to freak out. This is fault of mine as I haven't worked with him in 3 months, he just got rehomed, and just got a new buddy. He's been able to be a horse for a long long time in horse time.


Butters just needs to be worked. He barely ever has anything good to say to me other than he pins his ears about everything human related 99% of the time. I'm working on him but time has been a large factor in what I can and can't get done right now. I want to ride him, but at the moment I only have one bridle that has a curb chain on it so I'm having to either share a bit with him and Memphis or ride one of them without the chain. I'm not keen on that idea as Butters needs all the stop he can get. Memphis not so much, Memphis prefers to RUN through anything when he gets ancy and I can deal with that, but I don't really know Butters. I've got a new chain ordered so once it comes in next week I'll make a devoted bridle for Butters.

Veronica Vaughn:

And then, lets turn our attention to Veronica, our new mule. Who, 2nd day home, got out. The neighbor got her and she is currently living in his pasture till I can get the stall cleaned out on Saturday and move her there for about 2 weeks to reset her brain to home. She's a cute little 2 year old that is surprisingly calm. Big sweetheart. She's got another one to two years before I will break her as she needs to grow grow grow still. But she is adorable.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

2 years!

This is a long time to get a good update in! Took me a bit to remember my password and then link this to my other gmail account for easier finding in the future.

So! Lets update a little since it looks like its been 2 years since the last update! Memphis was moved in May to a new facility for pasture board. When I moved him it was a tough decision since he had been at the same place for 5 years and remained relatively healthy the entire time. I just finally got to the point where I was ready to move forward with his training and felt he needed to be a horse again. He has blossomed.

In August my husband and I decided to move to a new house in the country with acreage so that I could have Memphis at home. I brought him home with a new friend last Saturday. I will continue this blog from here at this point. The road to what Memphis has become has been a rocky start but he has turned into a well mannered horse that I can trust.

The new horse is named Butters and I welcome him to our household. He needs a little work but will make a great horse in time. We are going over ground work right now. He is broke to ride, but I like mine to be a little more trusty on the ground before I ask for much under saddle. He does nothing bad per sey, but he does need to do a few things when I ask for it, like backing or moving over. That is what we will be doing the next few nights.

It feels good to be writing about horses again.