Wednesday, October 21, 2015

2 years!

This is a long time to get a good update in! Took me a bit to remember my password and then link this to my other gmail account for easier finding in the future.

So! Lets update a little since it looks like its been 2 years since the last update! Memphis was moved in May to a new facility for pasture board. When I moved him it was a tough decision since he had been at the same place for 5 years and remained relatively healthy the entire time. I just finally got to the point where I was ready to move forward with his training and felt he needed to be a horse again. He has blossomed.

In August my husband and I decided to move to a new house in the country with acreage so that I could have Memphis at home. I brought him home with a new friend last Saturday. I will continue this blog from here at this point. The road to what Memphis has become has been a rocky start but he has turned into a well mannered horse that I can trust.

The new horse is named Butters and I welcome him to our household. He needs a little work but will make a great horse in time. We are going over ground work right now. He is broke to ride, but I like mine to be a little more trusty on the ground before I ask for much under saddle. He does nothing bad per sey, but he does need to do a few things when I ask for it, like backing or moving over. That is what we will be doing the next few nights.

It feels good to be writing about horses again.

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