Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Oh that Veronica Vaughn....

On the horse front a few thoughts, I'll list each one for each horse.


Rode him down to the neighbors the other night to drop off some feed. Memphis was fine.. UNTIL ... he realized A.) that he was far away from home and B) there was a mule in the pasture next to him. The second I dismounted, Memphis lost his mind. There was no coming back. I ended up walking him in hand back home because it was raining and I wasn't wanting to fight him undersaddle on pavement in the rain. The goal the past two days since then has been to ride once again but this time going *just* to the edge where I feel him start to get ancy and turn around for home. The problem has been the rain. IF its not raining tonight the goal is to just ride him around home. I feel the need to reset his mind a little that riding isn't bad since we did not have a good night together after he decided to freak out. This is fault of mine as I haven't worked with him in 3 months, he just got rehomed, and just got a new buddy. He's been able to be a horse for a long long time in horse time.


Butters just needs to be worked. He barely ever has anything good to say to me other than he pins his ears about everything human related 99% of the time. I'm working on him but time has been a large factor in what I can and can't get done right now. I want to ride him, but at the moment I only have one bridle that has a curb chain on it so I'm having to either share a bit with him and Memphis or ride one of them without the chain. I'm not keen on that idea as Butters needs all the stop he can get. Memphis not so much, Memphis prefers to RUN through anything when he gets ancy and I can deal with that, but I don't really know Butters. I've got a new chain ordered so once it comes in next week I'll make a devoted bridle for Butters.

Veronica Vaughn:

And then, lets turn our attention to Veronica, our new mule. Who, 2nd day home, got out. The neighbor got her and she is currently living in his pasture till I can get the stall cleaned out on Saturday and move her there for about 2 weeks to reset her brain to home. She's a cute little 2 year old that is surprisingly calm. Big sweetheart. She's got another one to two years before I will break her as she needs to grow grow grow still. But she is adorable.

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