Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 2 of saddling work

Yesterday went back out to work on the saddling thing again. We did everything all over again, starting with basic ground work, then some lunging, and then saddling again.

Now, I am not sure if he put blanket together with RUN because once I got it close to him he was ready to take off, so after a few goes I figured out it was just a game to my big idiot and I don't take kindly to these types of games.

That's find Memphis, you get to work harder in a smaller circle. This was short and to the point. It was also ugly. Thankfully, I had enough brains to remember to stay at his shoulder, correctly hold the lunge line, and keep a calm head. I never got mad or frustrated with him. I just happily walked around in a circle.

A few times he did rear up or jump back like it was a stick of fire or something just like Sunday, but nowhere near as dramatic. Took a total of 10 minutes. The saddle pad went on, all pressure was released, he took a breather and everything was right in the world.

Again, he saddled just find after this and I'm very positive that he would have let me mount up. I did not though, because some kids showed up to ride in the arena and they were using flags on their horses (getting them used to it) and the risk of him flipping out and me getting hurt. My balance isn't exactly 100% right now.

So Sunday is supposed to be nice and I'm gonna do it all over again then. I actually think I'm gonna work on woah on the lunge a little more since my cute little bugger thinks he has his own ideas about it.

Overall, I'm super happy about him and super impressed with him. I love my idiot :D

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