Thursday, October 13, 2011

Well, it's confirmed, there is a baby in there

This is so not horse related although I'll give a tiny Memphis update when I'm done.

I saw my little baby on Monday!!!! And despite my own intuition about it being a boy, its a GIRL! I'm beyond excited about having a girl, more so I think than I would have been if it had been a boy. Funny, as my barn owner was the only one to suggest that it was a girl; everyone else was sure that it was a boy. Even better was she looks perfect on the scans! Little toes, little fingers, hehe tiny arms and legs, and of course a tiny nose! Who can resist such a thing?!

Oh lord, what have I become! I always said I'd never be "that" parent, but are you reading what I just posted?! I'm head over heels for this little person in me! I think somebody replaced my anti-kid genes and put some kid friendly ones in there. That is the only explanation. The only one.

I hope she likes horses hah

Memphis is doing well. I like his new food and I can tell a difference in handling him. He isn't constantly in a state of OMG anymore. (I have no idea how else to describe it) He is also patient to be stand tied. So I am pleased. :) I was out Tuesday to see him but didn't do anything with him. He walked up in the field and was content to just stand next to me the entire time I was out there, which is a first. Not sure what that was about, unless he likes to work.

I think my riding days are over till the baby comes. :( I'm starting to feel top heavy and so I think that I will take this time to perfect some gaits on the lunge line and maybe teach him a few stupid tricks or something. I also couldn't live with myself if something happened to the baby because I just HAD to ride. Memphis will be there when I get done cooking the baby. :)

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