Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 14 and other ramblings

So, today is day 14 of this crazy experiement that I started. My emotions have evolved into something totally different as of late. I don't know what it is about the no alcohol thing but now I'm kinda like eh about not drinking. Like since I have done it for 2 weeks I now know that I don't actually need the sauce. There have been "thoughts" about it, but thats about it. No really OMG I MUST HAVE IT NOW cravings. The bottle of vodka and Chambord have been sitting on the liquor cabinet for 2 weeks without so much as a glance from me. I'm kinda thinking heavilly into this because for a second there I thought I couldn't give it up. Now I know that it is possible.

I do need to clean the house today. Sigh, that means the Christmas tree is going to be put back up in the attic... finally. I like these days when Joe is gone and I am home alone. I can turn up the music and forget about it all and just clean. Sounds crazy, but ya know.

I lost a household yesterday because of a dumb mistake on my part. I am still beating myself up over it. It was because I gave them a discount, unbeknownst to me that they weren't entitled to. I feel so bad but I didn't have any other avenue for them. I have never done that before and I think I was so nervous about screwing up the guys quote that I went ahead and screwed it up. My mind subconsiously hates me apparently. That just means next week I have to try a little harder....

I want to bake a cake today but for the life of me I cannot decide what to make. My favorite cake ever is orange cake but Joe is not the biggest fan of that. I am thinking about doing a yellow cake with a mocha frosting and a filling of some sort. Or do a chocolate frosting and something else for filling. Hell I don't know. I just want to bake and clean. How freaking domestic is this? What have I become? I don't drink, quit goign oout on the weekends and now I am totally a homebounder. I am so lame already at 25.

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