Sunday, December 21, 2008

Geeky games and family

So, I at home right now with some of my family, to see the rest in a few hours. Joe and I got here last night at my sisters house and boy did we just geek it up. We all sat around playing Diablo 2 for hours. How freaking dorky is that. In fact the three of them are playing it now, but I am stuck watching kid tv with my neice because the other computer that Diablo is on is the tv comp. It's ok I guess, they sound so nerdy! "I need a scroll of identification", "I need a mana potion" , " I need better weapons", jeez how big of nerds are they?

Ok I admit it, I'm jealous. I want to be playing too. Somehow its a new form of family bonding with the video games. I want to just be a part of that family bonding, not so much geeking it up. Soon we're goin to go visit my crazy mother and the rest of the family. Oh the joys of having brunch and eating prime rib..... yeah I tried to figure that one out as well.

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