Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hating your job

I'm done playing grown up. I want to be a kid again. I want no bills, food that I didn't buy, and no cares. I want to go back when I got in trouble for staying out too late and I didn't know that world was so hard. I'm done playing grown up for a long time.

The only bonus is alcohol. Not that I'm a freaking alcoholic or anything, but when I have a hard day at work, I can come home and have a drink or two. Even alcohol isn't cheap, that crap is expensive as well. I refuse to drink rotgut, so It's normally alot of money when I drink. My vodka of choice is Rain. I love that shit. It's like gold running out of the bottle. Then its Chambord. That is like freaking love in a bottle. Mix the two together and you have the best goddamn martini on earth. Well, in my opinion. Lot's of people don't like it, some do. I should start becoming friends with those that do.

I want to be my own agent in the insurance world. Until I move to the farm. I want to raise beef cattle and reining horses. For those of you who have no idea what reining horses are, just think cows and cowboys. I want to work some cattle.

Short post, I'm too just blah with the world today to post too much. Although......... I started this discussion on one of my other boards and its kinda blown up. I hate human crimes against humans. With animals its bad, but with helpless people its not. I just don't understand how people can kill, maim, or molest others. How people can become objects to be obtained or sold. I know I have a .32 next to my bed for the people who try. Fully loaded at all times, waiting for the fucker that wants to mess with me.

The gun safe is fully loaded and I know how to load everything in there. I'd run for the shotgun most likely because its one of the faster loading things because the shells are right there. The AR would be nice but the magazines are hard to get to because they are in sealed boxes. So the shotguns it is. I love the 12 gauge to that would be my first pick. I pity the fool who messes with me. Soon I'll have my concealed carry and that will be awesome. I will not be a shoot happy person, get that thought out of your head.

Hell, I would have shot Joe a long time ago. I just don't want to be in a situation where I could have shot the person but didn't have a gun. Not that a gun makes you a safe person or any better than the unarmed, its just nice to have backup if needed. Pulling a gun would take alot for me. In public it would never happen unless I was personally threatend. At home, oh hell yes. If Joe is not here and someone breaks in, they are getting a revolver pointed at them. I'll give them the option of leaving, I am not a trigger happy nut. They get an option.

Everyone has the same option.

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