Friday, April 24, 2009

Oh the light

Getting closer. Have a new recruit that is going to help me with this horse. She is 99% positive if we can get this mare up to speed, then she can place her at her barn for a lesson horse. That is excitement like no other. That means this mare will have no worries and never go hungry. Lot's of little kids to groom her and love all over her. I hope to god we can get her health back up. I pray we can.

Monday we are going to go out there and start cleaning up. If I can get out there on Sunday I will but Monday is looking alot better. I am so happy! I can't wait to see what she looks like when she is tip top shape! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other than that, tonight I have a wedding to attend of a good friend. I hate weddings and I think I have made that clear here before. So blah. 30 minute ceremony, 45 minutes of waiting on the pictures to get done, chicken and beef buffet (seems the norm to serve that), a dance floor, tables, and a whole lot of people that don't know each other. I'm not calling out this wedding, but all weddings in general. Every bride, including me, strives to make their wedding "different". In reality, they're all the damn same. I always thought I would love weddings and when I got invited to my first one I was so excited. And then so let down. For some reason I just have never felt that magical moment in them and it just let me down.

I'm such a bitch. I think this is why I am striving for more of a family bbq than a wedding in what I'm doing. I know what I hate and I'm trying to avoid it while conforming to the "wedding" stigma that everyone has in their heads. Sigh. I don't know. I'm just rambling. I need to call my trainer and tell her that I won't be there tomorrow. Gotta get that done today.

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