Friday, April 10, 2009

Two posts in one day!

Oh the joys!

So at work today I had a crapton of stuff to do. Got most of it done for the most part. I still have stuff to quote and people to follow up on, but I'm regaining footing. I noticed that my boss has grown 46 (I think ) apps YTD while last years TOTAL apps were 36. I am doing something right and am going to show him those numbers on Monday. Not as many as I hope to be doing but a hell of alot better than I thought. I need more selling direction though, something he would rather give me a book to read than show me. I need more than just reading something. Oh well, he wants to meet on Monday so that will be nice.

I really need to go camping again. I love it so much. I need to expand my camping gear to include wet naps. It is the most needed thing ever when camping with no running water. I need to add that to my list of things. I have basically everything else ever. I do believe my dutch ovens are hands down the BEST camping gear ever. You have to be car camping to use them because of the weight... but the best food ever made is out of them.

We always bake biscuits in them. Along with potatoes, egg casseroles, pancakes, ribs, and a favorite - peach cobbler. Basically anything you can bake, you can make in them. Though the pancakes were made on the upside down lid of them and place in another warm one. I really do hope that all the friends that have been camping with me keep the great memories of the food that I slaved over for them. ;)

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