Sunday, April 5, 2009


Friday after work we met up with some friends for mexican. One of my favorite cheapy foods! Good times were had and I love just sitting around with friends telling stories and laughing. We then have movie times ready to go see 2 Fast 2 Furious and know that it is showing every 30 minutes. We all head back to my place for a drink and then to head out to the movies. One friend, bless his heart, had just a wee too much. Thus ending the plans to go out and further ingraining the need for a new couch. So we ended the night making sure he was ok, the rest of us drinking and then all passing out. I am kinda pissed about the couch thing, kinda, only because well... its my couch. Though I do understand shit happens. At least my couch is old as dirt.

Saturday turned out ok yet bad. I felt really bad because me and my trainer looked to have a miscommunication. I thought I told her I was going to be there, she thought I told her I wasn't. So she was suprised needless to say when I did show up. I felt really bad and still do. The lesson was "ok". The sweetheart of a horse that I wanted to ride has gone lame. She should be making a comeback just needs lost of stall rest among other things.

My poor trainer had a trail ride after my lesson with a lady that said she knew how to ride but not how to saddle. I always figured that came hand in hand with riding. There was a time I did not know how to saddle but had been on a horse. I still then, didn't know anything about riding. I'm happy I can saddle now on my own. People never cease to amaze me.

I then wanted to go home, lounge, and clean house. I got roped into going with the boys on a road trip. Two boys with ADD in one car for 5 hours is so mindbending. I can't believe the amount of crap that can be rattled from two boy's mouths.

Went to the machine gun shoot last night which was ok. The intial explosions are cool, the sound of machine guns is cool, watching things blow up is cool, but maybe I'm ADD myself. I get bored after about 10 minutes of it. Once everything was blown up I really did just get bored. Kinda sad. It was cool walking the booths though! There is alot of cool stuff that people keep.

We didn't get home from that till 11pm. So that was a taco hell run, eat, and then pass out. This morning I have woken up with what feels like my body revolting. I want to hit the asian food store up and try this recipe for pho that I have in my vietnamese cooking book. Everything I have made out of that book so far has been delicious so I think I may just take my hand at it. I need something refreshing like that instead of being all bogged down with the nasty from Friday and yesterday. And I can make it beef, which is what I want to eat anyway.

Excellent. Just as long as I can quit coughing and be able to breathe! That's really all I'm asking for.

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