Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I should have taken my camera out with me yesterday! She was totally adorable!

I'm not sure if she had been fed though since the last time I was there...... I'm sure she had to have been right? She was super ready to jump out the stall once I clipped that lead rope on her. She tried to bolt out of there once, but I don't put up with that shit. A gruff voice and a push back into her stall later, she walked calmly out of the stall and to the green stuff outside.

I got stuff moving with getting everything done. I'm sorta in a routine now. Let her out, muck the stall, groom, relax, play with her, and then put her up. It's done in about an hour. Yesterday I took my time getting stuff done though, just to let her be outside a little longer.

She knows where I tie her now for grooming and yesterday she followed me right over to the post. I gave her a few loves and pats and then got into getting her groomed. She always lays on the same side in her stall, it's always so gross. The little rubber curry i bought is the best thing for plowing through the muck though. Her hooves are looking better! The thrush is almost all gone! She still has almost no frog on that front right hoof, but in general they are looking awesome. She is also back into the lifting routine. It's so cute! I always start on the front left hoof, then back left, then back right, then front right. Now when I get done with the front left and start walking to the back, she has already lifted her back leg. How cute is that!

I lunged her for a bit yesterday too. It was hot though so the session was only 5-7 minutes. Not wanting to wear her out when she is out of shape! We also have walk down! Yay! Now we are going to start cluck for "trot" and kiss for lope. I made the commands a little confusing yesterday so I won't count that one with her as her fault. I was just looking for forward movement.

We also worked together on bridling. She did awesome! I don't want to have issues once saddling is something I'm ready to do so we are just slowly reintroducing different aspects of it. She is a freaking sweet sweet horse!

I gave her 2 flakes of hay yesterday and her senior feed. I also added a salt lick into her stall, WHICH SHE WAS TOO CUTE OVER. She would take a bite of feed and then a lick of the salt. It was so adorable! Gosh dangit! She is just sweet as pie! I'll take my camera on Thursday to show off the greatness that she is.

The feed store had no chicks. That is a good thing.

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