Thursday, May 28, 2009

This weekend and other muesings

First up, the horse of horses: Dodge.

I looked up how to reregister her into my name. $100 bucks! I am going to have to sit on that for a bit. I am getting her papers with the transaction from the old owner, but do I really need to move them over? I see two points to this.

1.) No, don't reregister her into my name. I plan on keeping her till she dies, not showing her, and using her for pleasure only.

2.) Yes, transfer the papers. What if I can't keep her in the future? What if we decide to do trail riding competitions? I will need papers to sell her to a good home and will need them for competition work.

I'm on the fence with both ideas. I really don't know. Hopefully the owner is home tonight and I can inform her of the next month and what will be happening with the vet and then the move. I'm so excited for my little girl. I forgot the camera at home today........ If I remember on the way to the barn I'll grab it. Otherwise this blog will have to wait until Saturday for pics.


Joe and I are thinking of buying some chickens. For nothing other than eggs. No roosters! Just 5 pullets. We eat so many eggs at home and after looking up the price of chickens and cost of ownership, it's kinda a no brainer. So I'm trying to find somebody to go in with me on some chickens. But that is few and far in between.


Joe and I paid our marriage "fee" as Joe calls it yesterday. $35 bucks to KY just to say yes we can get married. That is nuts!


Joe is leaving this weekend for trip with one of our friends. I'm excited to have a weekend to myself. All. To. Myself. I am going to have a date with myself on Saturday. Maybe grill some seafood and lounge on the couch with the dogs. Yeah, I know, don't get too crazy!

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