Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Few Changes and the whatnottery

I have changed the colors of the blog. I am not sure if I will keep it or not. My ADD may kick in and change it. I just couldn't take the starkness of the white anymore.
I also changed the heading. Link still the same, heading is different. I figured this blog is becoming one of two things:

A place for me to gush about all the cute pictures I have of my dog.

A place for me to gush about my wonderful new horse.

Whichever comes first. I have also noticed I haven't posted a picture of my dog in a while! Blasphemey!

"me? Momma! You talking about me???"

"I mean, I know I am all cute and stuff. I'm suprised you would neglect me"

"I'll let you slide this time. I'm going to fall asleep now in my 'bed'. Make an awesome post all about me!!!"
Now granted those were pictures taken from all over the place, but you can just feel the cuteness seething off of my dog. He knows he is cute, I know it, you know it, and everyone who meets him knows it. He has a complex called cuteness. Even though he ate all the hamburger buns today, (which is a noteworthy side edit: a 90lb dog can and will get on your counters...) I still believe he is the best thing since sliced bread.
Oh Bucket.

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