Monday, May 4, 2009

Dodge and I talk to the owner

So I finally got a chance to speak to the owner tonight and things have gone well. She seemed relieved that I would be taking her! She was also very nice and we sat around talking for 1-2 hours. I am not going to be mean or anything about this and will remain humble towards her. Like I said, I am not a nasty person, shit happens, she realized it, and we are both working towards the better.

She said she would help me with her feet if I would hold her and what not. Apparently she used to keep the feet in tip top shape and showed me alot of stuff even I didn't know about the feet. It's slightly sad the lady is so knowledgable about the whole thing but still doesn't do anything. But that is where I come in :) I told her I would help her tackle the hooves and do anything she asked as far as those go. So hopefully this week we can find the nippers and get clipping!

I let her graze for about 20-30 minutes, I want her body to slowly get used to green stuff again. I do not want to deal with colic. I told the owner I would be out both days on the weekends and every other day during the week. (basically Tues and Thurs) She seemed happy about that and said I can do whatever I want with her.

Joe was also equally as happy about this and brought up buying Chex. If Dodge turns out to be bombproof this could be an awesome combination. Chex is not bombproof and will require alot of handling on my part. But, if Dodge is sweet enough, she might be a great mount for Joe that may help satisfy his "fast" gene. We'll see.

I'm thrilled everything is working out. So here are pics. She is skinny, I know, I am going to measure her out to do the little weight calculation tomm or wends. She is NOT downhill as appears in the pic. She is actually standing downhill. Hehe. Trust me, I looked at the pic four times and then it dawned on me. I'm going to pick up a bag of senior grain and we're going to very slowly do that like I said. Maybe half a can if that. Just get some weight on her!

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