Monday, May 18, 2009

This weekend...

So I know I grazed this subject. I'll just leave it as this weekend was fun and crazy!!!

Anywho, I went to visit Dodge yesterday. I had this plan to give her a bath and her mane and tail brushed out. I had got the bath part down but then she started shivering. In her defense, it was about 65F and the water was cold. So instead of making her stand there wet while I get her tail conditioned and brushed, I squeeg'd her off and put her in the pasture. I don't like her shivering. I let her dry off while I mucked out the stall and put down fresh hay, feed, and pellets. I need to clean out her water trough..... probably do that on Tuesday.

The shavings plan is working! The rest of the stall is staying dry and I just come in and remove the wet shavings and spread more. I'm so elated its begining to work! Even through all the rain I haven't moved her to a new stall at all, she's still in the same one. Yay!

I also bought stuff for her thrush and that crap stinks. Not as bad as thrush, but dang! She stood real nice for that even though at one point I had to lift the same hoof twice. Poor thing!

As you could see in the previous post, she is looking AWESOME. Go back to when I started posting pics till now, holy crap. She is gaining weight! I did a tape measure on her yesterday and she is about 950lbs. I would like her to be at 1000-1100. My pretty girl.

I got her a big 25lb bag of "apple treats". They smell like fig bars. They are her new crack I think. She likes them better than apples! I love it! Yesterday we did our first real lunging lesson. Only 5 minutes though, I'm not trying to kill her. I'd like to work it up to about 10 and then just work with it from there, but not over 10 for a bit. We need to work on walk. She likes to just "trot" or whatever it is that TWH do. She has a gorgeous canter though. Holy hell.

I'm pretty sure she liked it, she even got a little squirly. I cannot wait to hop on her! I know I must wait.

I wrote a TB farm today as well. Looks like their needing PT help. Would be nice to do something like that. Get a veiw at a totally different industry and get exercise all while getting paid! I hope they respond to my email.

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